

The Pan-African Development Bank is the result of a  partnership between  leading  african  financial institutions . Operations was conducted formerly by Africa Capital  Holding,  whose  activities was Private Equity, M&A and  Assets Management.


In 2009, the Pan - African Development  Bank was born !  Its activities  cover major part of Financial Institutions services, including  Customer Wealh Management  services.



  • Africa Capital Holding : 30%
  • African Development Bank : 25%
  • Bank of Africa: 20%
  • IFC : 15%
  • Individuals: 10%


customer promise


 Our Promise to you - The place where your projects  come to life


They are not just words. They're our way of doing business. We ask about your needs, the ways you like to do things, your financial goals. And we listen. Closely, and not because we're nosey. And, not because we want to "sell" you something. But because in order to solve, we must understand your projects   sometimes even your life needs. Only then can we help find personalized solutions for you. 

Mission  statement


The Pan-African Development Bank  will be the preferred provider of targeted financial service in our communities based on strong customer relationships. We will strengthen these relationships by providing the right solutions that combine our technology, experience and financial strength. Our goal is to create customer loyalty, shareholder value and employee satisfaction.


Be Accessible, Offer the best Solutions, Build Relationships, Support development

Corporate Social responsability


Corporate Social Responsibility reflects The PDB 's   commitment to our customers, shareholders, employees and to the communities we serve.

Our commitment impels us to perform with the highest standards of governance and ethics; provide products and services that meet the rising expectations of our customers, attract and retain quality employees, provide support in our communities and lessen the environmental impact of our business practices.



At PDB, we take the security of our customer's accounts very seriously.


Protecting the privacy of our customer's personal information and their accounts is important to Commerce and our employees. We guard against unauthorized access to customer information and are committed to taking the appropriate actions to prevent fraud.

As part of our commitment to protecting our customers, their information, and accounts, we have developed a customer education program to better equip them with the knowledge to avoid becoming victims of identity theft and fraud. 


PDB continuously reviews our security programs to ensure proper risk management and data security. In addition to security policies and standards, guidelines related to information security have also been established and are distributed to all bank employees. Access to sensitive customer information via the bank's information systems is only granted to employees on a need-to-know basis in order to perform their job duties. Additionally, the Business Continuity department periodically conducts disaster recovery tests to ensure critical systems can be recovered quickly and are available for bank business.


With the increasing number and sophistication of risks facing all financial institutions, PDB's risk policies are frequently evaluated, adjusted and enhanced. Periodic reviews are also conducted by bank regulators from a security and privacy perspective. Our security program is implemented to protect customer information in compliance with the Board of Governors of African Central banks Systems' Supervision and Regulation Letter SR 01-15 in support of the Mo Ibrahim Bah Act (MIB) section 301(b) and section 216 of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act of 2003 (FACT Act).

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